Top International Business Schools (MBA Programs)

Best Int'l MBA Programs I

• SDA Bocconi School of Management (IT)

Cass Business School (UK)

• Copenhagen Business School (DK)

Cranfield School of Management (UK)

• EMLYON Business School (FR)

ESADE Business School (SP)

ESSEC Business School (FR)

Grenoble Graduate School of Business (FR)

• HEC Montreal (CAN)

• HEC Paris (FR)

Henley Business School (UK)

• IESE Business School (SP)

• IMD Business School (CH)

• INSEAD Business School (FR)

• Instituto de Empresa (SP)

Richard Ivey School of Business (CAN)

Best Int'l MBA Programs II

• University of Cambridge Judge Business School (UK)

Lancaster University Management School (UK)

Leeds University Business School (UK)

• London Business School (UK)

• Manchester Business School (UK)

Nottingham University Business School (UK)

• Oxford Brookes University Business School (UK)

• University of Oxford Said Business School (UK)

• Rotterdam School of Management (NL)

• UCD Smurfit Graduate Business School (IE)

• University of Strathclyde Business School (UK)

• Imperial College Tanaka Business School (UK)

• TiasNimbas Business School (NL)

• Vlerick Leuven Ghent Management School (BE)

• Warwick Business School (UK)


SDA Bocconi School of Management: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: SDA Bocconi is one of the most prestigious MBAs in Europe, Fluency in languages is highly valued, Active methodologies are used throughout the Program. Also very women-friendly.

2) Admissions Tips: When applying for SDA Bocconi, explain what you hope to get from the MBA Program, Describe your strong and weak points.

Cass Business School, London: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: The Faculty of Actuarial Science is among the Top Actuarial Science departments in the world; Cass Business School, located on the edge of London’s financial district, benefits from strong connections with multinational companies based in the UK’s capital.

2) Admissions Tips: A well-balanced score with a minimum of 600 is required; Write about your job attitudes, your last position, about you, and your accomplishments.

Copenhagen Business School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: Copenhagen Business School develops its teaching and research according to international standards. Study programs are modeled to meet the needs of executives from Danish and foreign business communities; there is also a focus on individualized learning.

2) Admissions Tips: For Copenhagen Business School, the GMAT not required if the applicant takes the CBS Admissions Test for an early decision. Applicants should be sure to describe their career aspirations.

Cranfield School of Management: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: Cranfield is renowned for its high quality teaching and research and its strong links with industry and business; Cranfield's full-time program includes a compulsory study tour to countries such as China, Japan, South Africa, and the U.S., where students meet with government and business representatives.

2) Admissions Tips: Applicants will be required to articulate his/her reasons for wishing to attend Cranfield's MBA program at this point in their career. Interviews are at the discretion of the admissions board and can be arranged internationally.

EMLYON Business School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: More than 75% of the class hails from outside France; EMLYON has changed its MBA program substantially over the past two years, adding compulsory courses in entrepreneurship and personalized job coaching.

2) Admissions Tips: Interviews for international applicants can be arranged by phone; It is important for applicants to describe what they expect from the EMLYON International MBA.

ESADE Business School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: ESADE offers two full-time MBA programs at its main campus in Barcelona: 1) An 18-month track geared for students with any undergraduate degree and at least two years of work experience, and 2) A year-long program for more mature students with backgrounds in economics, engineering, or business administration. The school reviews its curriculum every three or four years to make necessary changes.

2) Admissions Tips: Describe your most important professional and personal achievements to date; pick one quality that characterizes a good leader.

ESSEC Business School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: The ESSEC school requires students to spend six months abroad either in an internship or university exchange. ESSEC has campuses in Singapore, Paris La Défense and Cergy.

2) Admissions Tips: The average GMAT score of accepted ESSEC MBA applicants is 640. Your professional project should explain how you would describe yourself as a professional ten years from now.

Grenoble Graduate School of Business: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: Grenoble has six campuses in Europe: Grenoble, London, Moscow, Tbilisi, Chisinau, Malta. It is Triple-Accredited.

2) Admissions Tips: When applying for Grenoble MBA, show why you are interested in the program, and how you see it helping you to reach your future goals, Describe experience with different cultures.

HEC Montreal Business School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: HEC Montreal is one of Canada's leading business schools. Six-week sessions replace semesters in an effort to be more efficient and save time; students are also exposed to business management simulations.

2) Admissions Tips: Three years of work experience are required for the MBA program. It is important to describe how an MBA from HEC Montreal can help you achieve your career goals.

HEC Paris Business School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: At HEC Paris, students come from more than 50 countries. There are exchange opportunities with HEC's 45 partner schools, including a partnership with Apple.

2) Admissions Tips: HEC Paris' candidates will have one-on-one interviews with French Embassy representatives, MBA alumni, or HEC professors. It is key for applicants to show how the HEC MBA will contribute to his/her career goals.

Henley Business School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: Henley Business School is the oldest business school in the UK. There is high research output from faculty, and a triple-accredited status from UK, European and US bodies. Henley is not for younger, less-experienced applicants.

2) Admissions Tips: For Henley Business School, applicants should have 10 years of postgraduate work experience with 3 years of management experience. Candidates for the Full-time and Executive MBA programs must attend a “selection day”.

IESE Business School - University of Navarra: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: IESE has a strong commitment to Business Ethics. Students who earn at least a B in two Spanish courses receive a bilingual MBA degree.

2) Admissions Tips: At IESE in Spain, the average GMAT score is 688. The school offers an 18-month MBA program. In your application, it is important to describe your short-term and long-term professional goals.

IMD Business School - Switzerland: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: IMD's MBA students have the opportunity to embark on discovery expeditions to economically fragile countries. Students represent 44 nationalities and speak an average of 4 languages.

2) Admissions Tips: IMD requires a thorough interview process: on-campus interviews, impromptu presentations, a case study, an MBA class observation, and lunch with current MBA students.

Imperial College Business School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: At Imperial College, Entrepreneurship is a required course in the Tanaka program. Imperial College has world-class scientific research facilities and boasts a growing reputation.

2) Admissions Tips: The average GMAT score for recent incoming classes has been 640. Interviews are granted by invitation only.

INSEAD Business School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: INSEAD has an alliance with Wharton; the curriculum itself is general management in nature. There is a high level of diversity on campus, and a commitment to a global mindset through language requirements. Admitted students may attend the Fontainebleau or Singapore campus.

2) Admissions Tips: Applicants who pass the initial screening process are invited to two interviews conducted by two different INSEAD MBA alumni in their country of residence; it is important for applicants to reveal their personal history, creativity and ability in the essays.

Instituto de Empresa Business School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: IE offers dual degree programs with Tufts and MIT. The Center for Eco-Intelligent Management promotes sustainable and planet-friendly business practices. The Instituto de Empresa also has extensive courses in Entrepreneurship.

2) Admissions Tips: For IE's application, candidates may take either the GMAT or the IE admissions test. In the application essays, be sure to explain your reasons for applying to IE.

Leeds University Business School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: Leeds requires a dissertation project for full-time MBAs. The school has many links with business and commerce.

2) Admissions Tips: In your application to Leeds University, discuss your career progression to date; be sure to show your creativity with the Creativity Challenge.

London Business School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: More than 80 percent of students are from countries outside of the UK. There are four main LBS learning themes: ability to be an international citizen, becoming a leader, becoming an independent thinker, and making things happen.

2) Admissions Tips: LBS is one of the only business schools that has its faculty conduct the majority of interviews. It is important to know the curriculum and resources that the school offers; LBS is one of the few business schools that value recommendations that are written by professors.

Nottingham Business School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: At Nottingham Business School, social and environmental issues are integrated into the curriculum. The school has various partnerships with companies and also offers an International MBA program.

2) Admissions Tips: For the Nottingham Business School application, use the personal statement to provide information in support of your application. Two academic/professional references are required in the application.

Oxford Brookes University Business School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: Oxford Brooke has the highest scores for teaching quality. The school emphasizes the importance of teaching information that can be used in real life situations.

2) Admissions Tips: When applying to Oxford Brookes, pay particular attention to what you write in the personal statement. People with 7 years of professional experience are eligible to apply without a degree.

Oxford Said Business School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: Oxford Said offers an internationally focused MBA program. This particular MBA program offers a smaller class size than most of its US counterparts.

2) Admissions Tips: Interviews are required of selected applicants. It is important to explain how an MBA from Oxford Said will help you achieve your career goals.

Rotterdam School of Management - Erasmus University: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: Rotterdam offers optional refresher courses in Math and Statistics. Some other key courses include: Action Learning Principle, Integrated approach of the themes Business, People and Technology.

2) Admissions Tips: In your application to the Rotterdam School of Management, describe how the RSM Erasmus University MBA will help you achieve your career goals.

TiasNimbas Business School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: TiasNimbas' full-time program employs a British style of teaching; including a weeklong study trip to Brussels, and tailor-made programs with its Company Specific Programs.

2) Admissions Tips: For the TiaNimbas's MBA program application, five essays are required. It is imperative to show what you can contribute to the participants of the TiasNimbas-Bradford MBA Programme.

UCD Smurfit Graduate Business School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: At University College of Dublin's Graduate Business School, students can spend a week in China or India. UCD is one of only nine schools worldwide to hold the Triple Crown of Accreditations. Students at UCD come from diverse professional backgrounds.

2) Admissions Tips: In order to apply to the Dublin MBA program, applicants should describe how his/her career progress and non-work-related activities will enhance the experience of other Smurfit School students. Applicants should try to recall a professional project he or she has found to be both challenging and rewarding.

University of Cambridge Judge Business School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: The Cambridge Judge MBA program mixes classic business school coursework, such as marketing and finance, with on-the-job training. One of the perks of Judge Business School is small class sizes.

2) Admissions Tips: At Cambridge Judge, short-listed candidates are invited to an Interview Day on campus. Interview Day has a full program of selection and information events. In the application, explain why the Cambridge MBA is the right fit for you.

Lancaster University Management School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: Lancaster University has Triple Accreditation. It is ranked first in the UK for Business and Management research. Lancaster’s Management School has exchange agreements with schools in Europe, Canada, China, and Australasia.

2) Admissions Tips: At Lancaster University's Business School, the average GMAT score is 650. Applicants should explain why they have chosen to apply to Lancaster’s MBA program.

Manchester Business School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: The University of Manchester’s teaching staff is ranked as the highest quality by the UK government funding office. The Business School incorporates the Manchester Method.

2) Admissions Tips: When applying to Manchester Business School’s MBA program, applicants should comment on their undergraduate degree results. Applicants should also explain why they want to study at Manchester.

University of Strathclyde Business School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: Strathclyde’s MBA program is Triple-accredited; the school is flexible with full-time programs, part-time programs, and off-campus programs.

2) Admissions Tips: University of Strathclyde’s MBA application asks for a series of 3 essays that involve personal goals and motivation towards intense education. No one under 24 years of age will be considered for admission.

Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: Vlerick Leuven enrolls just 50 students annually. It is the biggest school in Belgium, and has additional programs in Russia and China.

2) Admissions Tips: For Vlerick Leuven, the GMAT is only required if the Vlerick Leuven in-house admissions test is not taken. Applicants should describe what is motivating he or she to seek an MBA degree from Vlerick Leuven.

Warwick Business School: MBA Program Summary & Admissions Advice

1) MBA Program Highlights: Warwick was the first business school in the UK to gain triple accreditation. This business school offers a variety of MBA delivery modes: including full-time, modular and distance learning. More than 80% of full-time students come from abroad.

2) Admissions Tips: For the Warwick Business School application, applicants should describe their main interests and leisure activities. It is also important to explain the principal reasons for wishing to join the Warwick MBA program.

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