MIT Sloan School of Management Overview

Introduction of Business School & MBA Program

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sloan School of Management gives students the opportunity to study business at one of the world's premier science and technology universities. Besides a rigorous quantitative business education, Sloan offers a unique diversity of students, broad curriculum options, and many admissions choices.

Unique Features

Sloan wants to become a more competitive program in the face of rising challenges an growing worldwide interest in MBA programs. MIT is striving to increase its value on the B-School market with a number of key initiatives that they believe separate them from other elite business schools:

  • Education is not only about the MBA
  • Advances in strategic planning and consulting
  • Building on the strength of entrepreneurship and innovation
  • Fostering family-based institutions
  • Students may take electives and/or graduate courses from any school or program at MIT and Harvard

Entrepreneurship & Innovation Program (E&I)

Students in this program, which began at MIT in just 2006, take their first semester courses together. They also take a course in technological entrepreneurship and travel to Silicon Valley at the conclusion of their first term. These students take additional courses in entrepreneurship and graduate with a certificate in Entrepreneurship & Innovation, in addition to an MBA.

  • Choice of 18 courses, with a 7 course minimum
  • Students are invited to Wednesday night dinners
  • Program requires special application and additional fifth essay

Curriculum Options

Sloan's curriculum is very flexible. There is a credit minimum and maximum, but not a distribution requirement. If students are doubtful about study options, they can rely on the five advisors assigned to them to help navigate their study and career options.

  • A Typical Semester Schedule- 6:1:6; or 6 weeks of classes and a 1 week break, followed by another 6 weeks of classes.
  • Sloan Innovation Period- Special sessions where students can gain exposure to a subject without enrolling in a specific class for an entire semester (accounts for 2 courses).

The first semester at Sloan begins with a core set of classes. However, after that first semester, students are free to select their own courses. Unique programs offered at Sloan include Entrepreneurship and Innovation (E&I) and Leadership for Manufacturing (LFM).

Leaders for Manufacturing (LFM)

This rather competitive program with just 45-50 admits includes an on-site internship with a sponsoring company, giving students hands on experiences in addition to classroom knowledge. Many students involved in the LFM program are granted fellowships covering large portions of their tuition by sponsoring companies. There is also a popular and outstanding biotechnology program.


MBA Application Elements - MIT Sloan School of Management

GMAT Score

The average GMAT score was 711, with the middle 80% of students scoring between 660 and 750.

Academic Requirements

Though the name MIT might suggest a high degree of quantitative focus, Sloan does not admit students only on the basis of quantitative knowledge.

Sloan seeks students from well-rounded educational backgrounds such as liberal arts students.

There is no minimum math requirement for admission.

Work Experience

The average student's work experience was approximately 60 months, with a range of 0-11 years.

Essay Tips

The personal essay should only refer to the last two years. Application essays should emphasize other aspects of personal growth and development.

Essays typically ask students to "tell us about a time when you had an impact on a group or organization. Describe in detail what you thought, felt, said, and did." In another Sloan essay, the admissions committee asks students to "tell us about a time when you defended your idea. Describe in detail what you thought, felt, said, and did."

A non-quantitative emphasis on feelings, thoughts, and action is a key insight into the type of student Sloan seeks. Sloan wants students who are capable in quantitative aspects of management, but who are also capable and prepared to lead in less quantifiable areas.

It is important to highlight internships and leadership potential in your application. Sloan uses the BEI competency model to evaluate all students for leadership potential, team work, etc.


MIT Sloan MBA Program - Key Statistics

o Full-Time Enrollment: 804
o Class Size: 325; 35% Female
o Average Undergraduate GPA: 3.51
o Average GMAT Score: 710
o Acceptance Rate: 13.3%
o Average Starting Salary and Bonus: $132,618
o Full-Time Graduates Employed at Graduation: 80.8%
o Average Age of New Entrants: 28
o Average Work Experience: Approximately 5 years
o Admissions Website:

Additional Information & Facts

  1. Sloan has a higher percentage of international students than almost all of it's peer schools - 40% of the class are from outside of the U.S.
  2. Undergraduate students can be accepted directly into the program.
  3. Spring semester "Treks" take students to places like Las Vegas to learn about the entertainment business.