GRE Test Day FAQ

What happens on the day of the GRE test?

  • Arrive at the testing center at least 30 minutes before your appointment.
  • ID verification at the test center may include thumb-printing, photographing, videotaping, or other form of electronic ID confirmation. If you refuse to participate, you will not be permitted to test and you will forfeit your test fee. This is in addition to the requirement that you must present acceptable and valid identification.
  • A ten-minute break is scheduled after the Analytical Writing Assessment, and one-minute breaks between multiple-choice sections.
  • You will be given an option after completing the test to either cancel your score or to submit your score to ETS and up to four institutions.

What should I bring to the test center?

  • Acceptable photo identification as described below.
  • The names of the schools to which you are going to submit your scores.
  • Your authorization voucher, if requested one, you are required to take it with you.
  • You may NOT bring any electronic devices of any kind into the testing room, or any coats or outerwear.

What constitutes acceptable identification?

  • Up-to-date official photo ID, e.g. issued by a school, employer, or the government on which both your name and photo appear.
  • Birth Certificates and Social Security cards are not sufficient forms of identification, as they do not include a photograph.

Are calculators permitted?

  • No calculators of any kind are permitted for use on the GRE as there is no complex calculation in the quantitative section of the GRE to warrant calculator use. Mathematical concepts dominate GRE quantitative.

Can I bring scratch paper into the test?

  • No, the test administrator will provide you with scratch paper. Once you use it all up you can request more.

Can I change my test date?

  • You must reschedule or cancel your test no later than three full days before your appointment (not including the day of your test or the day of your request) or your test fee will be forfeited.

Will I get a refund if I cancel my test date?

  • If you cancel your GRE test no later than three full days prior to your test date, you will receive a refund equivalent to half of the original test fee. Otherwise, you will receive no refund.

Can I change my testing center?

  • If you wish to change your test center, contact the GRE® Program by the registration deadline. The fee for changing your test center is $50.
  • Center changes cannot be guaranteed but will be made as space permits. You cannot reschedule between sites served by different Regional Registration Centers.

I've taken my GRE already. Can I take the PPI section?

  • Yes. ETS PPI (Personal Potential Index) is not exclusive to those who register for the GRE. It is also available for past GRE registrants and others who wish to have an ETS PPI evaluation as part of their academic profile for advanced study, for a modest fee of $20 per report.